vendredi 23 septembre 2011

[Feed #2] PostGIS 2.0, WPS Shoot-out, Spatial Analysis, GeOps or easy editing with OpenLayers,...

Spatial Analysis
Here is a very good and complete resource I found dealing with different aspects of spatial analysis.

A scientific article about topological models and frameworks for 3D spatial objects

Spatial Business Intelligence is gaining a lot of interest as more and more
data is being geolocated. To deal with this huge mass of data, we need efficient tools. GeoKettle is the equivalent of Talend Open Studio Spatial Data Integrator from pentaho distribution.

You can also see my presentation of Talend SDI and my article about Business Intelligence

Web Development
On many forums, we can see questions about editing spatial objects in OpenLayers. GeOps aims at facilitating editing features by providing a simple framework for this purpose. Also, wen can note an increasing interest in Leaflet, an OL-like API that people seem to find easier to use than OL

Web Services
Without any doubt, you know WMS and WFS. These protocols don't transmit complex operations, which is the goal of WPS, for Web Processing Service. With WPS, you configure spatial processes that a user can launch remotely on a server. Processes can be designed using GRASS modules  for example.
Here is a WPS Shoot-out that will present you different WPS opensource solutions and compare their performances. The latter are PyWPS, deegree, 52 N, ZOO Project, Geoserver, Constellation

In French, you could have a look at this article that explains how to configure a WPS service under Windows
It's an adaptation for Windows, of this initial article from Laurent Jégou.

Data Base Management
This pdf presents you in a technical way the new stuff and concepts introduced in PostGIS 2.0. Mostly, the new features concern raster management and topological concepts for areal data.

The flags below don't indicate I'm a Nationalist but that I introduce articles I found in french websites

Tout le monde en convient: la divergence de nos référentiels cadastraux pose de nombreux problèmes et les inimitiés opposant les spécialistes de deux univers différents n'arrangent pas les choses. La conscience des enjeux d'une convergence est bien présente, ce qui est déjà un bon point.

L'avantage des outils opensource est la personnalisation qui suit le credo du DIY (Do It Yourself). La personnalisation a souvent pour motivation la simplification qui suit le leitmotiv KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Voici un article intéressant d'Yves Jacolin sur la personnalisation de QGIS.